English language

How to pronounce nuclear fusion in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms fusion, nuclear fusion reaction
Type of nuclear reaction
Has types cold fusion, thermonuclear reaction

Examples of nuclear fusion

nuclear fusion
The research on sonofusion tries to obtain nuclear fusion in deuterated liquids.
From the daumic.scienceblog.com
If they could get near the magic 10 million degrees, nuclear fusion might occur.
From the newscientist.com
There is the youngest person to have ever created nuclear fusion, Taylor Wilson.
From the techcrunch.com
Each one just needs to ignite nuclear fusion in its core to become a true star.
From the sciencedaily.com
It's a dramatic claim, because nuclear fusion promises virtually limitless energy.
From the newscientist.com
The work could one day help scientists harness nuclear fusion as an energy source.
From the sciencedaily.com
One remote solution to many of atomic energy's problems may be nuclear fusion.
From the time.com
Experimental nuclear fusion reactors produce free neutrons as a waste product.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Stars shine by nuclear fusion-the merging of light atomic nuclei to release energy.
From the economist.com