Higher bit rates are useful in background noise conditions and for music.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Earlier work, from Dr. Slabbekoorn and another coauthor, had shown that songs of individual birds were adjusted to local traffic noise conditions.
From the sciencedaily.com
The researchers tested these pulse sequences under realistic noise conditions simulating those appropriate for different qubit technologies, making their results broadly applicable.
From the sciencedaily.com
Most of them weren't making much noise, but the conditions were pretty rudimentary.
From the lens.blogs.nytimes.com
The noise, harsh working conditions or rates of pay of factory work are not discussed.
From the morningstaronline.co.uk
Conditions will include some exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature.
From the jobview.monster.com
The associate is regularly exposed to indoor conditions with a moderate noise level.
From the jobview.monster.com
Incumbent is exposed to extreme weather conditions and high noise levels.
From the jobview.monster.com
Modeling deep ocean shipping noise in varying acidity conditions.