One morning Dean Rusk got an angry phone call from Kennedy complaining about a news leak.
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Whether the news leak would move the Pope to action was doubtful.
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Weiss explains that Variety's announcement was a news leak, and it is impossible to purchase Jorgensen's rights.
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Most people took it for granted that the news leak was an effort to pressure the Pope into siding with the majority-and soon.
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He plays the press and the calculated news leak with great ability, usually to serve his current negotiating or power needs.
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And each month brings further news of the potential leak of personal information.
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Not only did the news leak out almost 5 hours early, but actually, Yahoo itself was giving people hints on Twitter all day, and encouraging people to take guesses to break the embargo on Twitter.
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The longer the process goes on, the more likely the news will leak out.
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Ferguson had not even told his players, so determined was he for the news not to leak out.