Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with mental changes, neuropathy and anemia.
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Symptoms include peripheral neuropathy, immune impairment, retinopathy and more.
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Screening for peripheral neuropathy can help prevent foot ulcers and amputation.
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Shaurette said he was diagnosed six years ago with acute peripheral neuropathy.
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Pain is another significant issue for those suffering from diabetic neuropathy.
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Focal neuropathy may sometimes affect the nerves that control your eye muscles.
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With his heart condition, what is a good alternative for treating his neuropathy?
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This includes cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, schizophrenia and autism.
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Auditory neuropathy may be unrecognized if testing is not performed early in life.
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More examples
Any pathology of the peripheral nerves
Peripheral neuropathy is the term for damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which may be caused either by diseases of the nerve or from the side-effects of systemic illness.
Any disease of the peripheral nervous system
(neuropathic) having to do with damage to a nerve
(Neuropathic) A term to describe a particular form of pain which is caused by damage to nerves. Burns, viral infections (eg shingles), diabetes, cancer, disc problems, amputation (phantom limb) and certain chemicals can give rise to neuropathic pain which is dificult to treat with currently ...
(Neuropathic) means pain which comes from injury to the nerves themselves and not from injured body parts. Central Pain is the type of neuropathic pain which covers the greatest portion of the body. ...
(Neuropathic) pain generated when nerve roots or central pain pathways are damaged
Disease or damage of the nerves. Very common late complication of diabetes. Refer also to Diabetic Polyneuropathy.
A general term denoting functional disturbances and pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system See peripheral nervous system