This matter is almost unknown to foreigners and nescience may result in misconceptions.
From the
Engulfed in a haze of nescience was all I could feel.
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Your nescience is just comical but extremely entertaining.
From the
Avidya is positive nescience not mere ignorance.
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Ramanuja argues that positive nescience is established neither by perception, nor by inference, nor by scriptural testimony.
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More examples
Ignorantness: ignorance (especially of orthodox beliefs)
(nescient) holding that only material phenomena can be known and knowledge of spiritual matters or ultimate causes is impossible
(nescient) ignorant: uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"
(nescient) an ignorant person; an unbeliever; ignorant, unlearned; unbelieving
Ignorance; esp. that due either to the nature of the human mind or of external things
Literally, the absence of knowledge. Refers to the covering around the soul consisting of nineteen components: the five subtle sense organs, the five subtle motor organs, the five vital energies, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, intellect and ego. ...
Absence or lack of knowledge, ignorance; a form or instance of ignorance. Professor Bristow mentioned this term when discussing Conrad's "The Tale."