English language

How to pronounce nerve end in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms nerve ending
Type of end, terminal
Has types free nerve ending, pacinian corpuscle, proprioceptor

Examples of nerve end

nerve end
The Russian got tighter toward the end but kept her nerve to hold in a key game.
From the guardian.co.uk
Their results suggest that when p150glued is compromised, this control is lost and cargo accumulates at the nerve end, leading to disease.
From the sciencedaily.com
Nerve transfer surgeries are needed when a nerve end is nonfunctional or when nerve reconstruction would require an excessively long nerve graft.
From the sciencedaily.com
Further away from the nerve end, the levels of agrin are not high enough to overcome the more powerful influence of acetylcholine, and the redundant synapse sites are dismantled.
From the sciencedaily.com
Next season the monarch of sitcom will have two new shows on the air, and these too seem likely to slice through prime-time jabberwocky to hit Americans in nerve end and funny bone.
From the time.com
A nerve-wracking chore may end with considerable pride in your accomplishment today.
From the charlotteobserver.com
He almost lost his nerve at the end despite carrying a three-shot lead to the 17th tee.
From the middevonstar.co.uk
At the spiky end of these nerve cells one particular protein, NOMPC, apparently dominates.
From the healthland.time.com
Anyway, all Wolves fans must keep their nerve, right to the end.
From the expressandstar.com