How did these Rakkhasha people look alike, mongoloid, aryan, caucasians, negroid?
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Early photographs do show him looking somewhat negroid, with noticeably wiry hair.
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Ulnar polydactyly occurs ten times more often in negroid ethnicities and is most common in African populations.
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Luc Montagnier who originally identified the HIV virus has stated that the body can rid itself of the virus, this is more possible for those of caucasian origin than negroid.
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From a morphological perspective, forensic anthropologists can identify human skeletol remains as caucasoid, negroid, and asian with a pretty good degree of accuracy.
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Some of the minor denominations held at the time the view that black skin and other negroid features where the mark of Cain and it was thus Gods will to punish them and treat them as less then human.
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More examples
Black: a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
Characteristic of people traditionally classified as the Negro race; "negroid features"
The Negroid race is a racial category. It is one of the three "great races", further divided into subtypes beside the Caucasoid and the Mongoloid races. The major population included in the category in the 19th century and early 20th century were the black people of sub-Saharan Africa.
A person with negroid characteristics; having negro features racially. Pertaining to the racial classification of humanity including people indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa and their diaspora in other parts of the world