America loved Grandma Moses as the representative of natural virtue-the ambassadress of a past that was al ready being sentimentalized on an industrial scale.
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Aristotle viewed political power as the result of natural inequalities in skill and virtue.
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By virtue of its natural backdrop, it is one of the most attractive cricket stadiums in India.
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He is apparently the first to conceive such a permanent type of impressed virtue for non-natural motion.
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When daffodils get crowded by virtue of natural development of the bulbs below ground, they produce fewer and smaller blooms.
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Government virtue isn't a natural consequence of strong majorities, any more than reliance on those outside the party somehow guarantees purity of purpose and illumination of ideas.
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Stoicism's prime directives are virtue, reason, and natural law, abided to develop personal self-control and mental fortitude as means of overcoming destructive emotions.
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Such forecasts are all the more worrying because, merely by virtue of its size and its natural resources, Nigeria is Africa's giant.