An armchair ribbon can be thought of as essentially an unrolled zigzag nanotube.
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An oxygen reduction electrocatalyst based on carbon nanotube-graphene complexes.
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But Harris questions the idea of using lava for grand-scale nanotube production.
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A super strong long rope of perhaps carbon nanotube for us to climb up and away.
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Fabrication and mechanical characterization of carbon nanotube based nanoknives.
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They used the nanotube-coated flag to play a song while it flapped in the breeze.
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Controlling electrical percolation in multicomponent carbon nanotube dispersions.
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They then applied an alternating electric field to the nanotube using an antenna.
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Carbon nanotube-based nonvolatile random access memory for molecular computing.
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More examples
Carbon nanotube: a fullerene molecule having a cylindrical or toroidal shape
A carbon molecule, in the shape of a tube, having a fullerene structure and a diameter of about 1 or 2 nanometers
(Nanotubes) are cylindrical fullerenes. These tubes of carbon are usually only a few nanometres wide, but they can range from less than a micrometre to several millimetres in length. They often have closed ends, but can be open-ended as well. ...
A hollow cylinder only a few nanometres wide, made of one element, normally carbon.
A tiny, hollow cylinder with an outside diameter of a nanometer that is formed spontaneously from atoms such as carbon. When aligned in a certain way, their atoms can conduct electricity as effectively as copper. ...