English language

How to pronounce nabob in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms nawab
Type of governor
Type Words
Type of man of means, rich man, wealthy man

Examples of nabob

Nightlife nabob Seth Greenberg has yet another new venture, this time in Miami.
From the boston.com
As Spiro Agnew might have said, you are a nattering nabob of negativism.
From the denverpost.com
Today, we're going to be that nattering nabob of negativism.
From the usatoday.com
I, as a nattering nabob, see negativism everywhere.
From the ocregister.com
Everyone's favourite newspaper nabob joins Twitter.
From the guardian.co.uk
Since Michelle Obama steadfastly has refused to engage the nattering nabob from Alaska, Palin is shadowboxing, obviously in an effort to keep her name in the news.
From the courier-journal.com
In a democracy, we need a few reality checkpoints at which we all crowd together, nabob and yahoo, and rub elbows and get a clue about who lives here other than us.
From the time.com
Finding this to be the man in whom the nabob entirely trusted, it soon became our object to consider him as a most material engine in the intended revolution.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A massively wealthy and powerful nabob who seemed trapped in a teenage boy's fantasy world, Hughes and his story are subjects too vast and tumultuous to capture in any one movie-even a great one.
From the orlandosentinel.com
More examples
  • Nawab: a governor in India during the Mogul empire
  • A wealthy man (especially one who made his fortune in the Orient)
  • Nabob is a brand of coffee produced by Kraft Foods and sold in Canada. The Nabob Coffee Company originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1896, was the food manufacturing arm of Kelly Douglas Limited, house brand for Super-Valu Stores, and was purchased by Jacobs Suchard in 1976, and subsequently by Kraft Foods in 1994...
  • Nabob is a brand of coffee produced by Kraft Foods and sold in Canada. The Nabob Coffee Company originated in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1896, was the food manufacturing arm of Kelly Douglas Limited, house brand for Super-Valu Stores, and was purchased by Jacobs-Suchard in 1981, and ...
  • A nabob, an English form of "nawab", is a merchant-leader of high social status and wealth.
  • An Indian ruler within the Mogul empire; a nawab; Someone of great wealth or importance; A person with a grandiose style or manner
  • (nabobs) Name given to British representatives of the East India Company who went briefly to India to make fortunes through graft and exploitation. (p. 735)
  • Formerly, a provincial governor or viceroy who lived luxuriously in India. Later, an Englishman who returned wealthy from a tour of duty in India. Hence, any very rich man who lives luxuriously.
  • A provincial governor; derisive name given to wealthy East India Company personnel who returned from India, most of whom purchased estates in Britain and became great landowners.