English language

How to pronounce mortal in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms deadly, deathly

mortal combat.
a mortal illness.
Type Words
Synonyms individual, person, somebody, someone, soul
Type of causal agent, cause, being, organism, causal agency
Has types abstainer, abstinent, achiever, acquaintance, acquirer, active, actor, adjudicator, admirer, adoptee, adult, adventurer, adversary, advisee, advocate, advocator, affiant, african, african-american, aggregator, agnostic, albino, allayer, amateur, amerindian, anachronism, ancient, anomaly, antagonist, anti, anti-american, ape, aper, applicant, applied scientist, applier, appointee, appointment, appreciator, apprehender, aquarius, archaist, archer, aries, arrogator, assessee, assimilator, asthmatic, attempter, authority, autodidact, automaton, baby, baby boomer, baby buster, bad guy, bad person, balance, baldhead, baldpate, baldy, balker, bather, battler, baulker, beard, bedfellow, beguiler, beholder, belligerent, bereaved, bereaved person, best, birth, biter, black, blogger, blond, blonde, bluecoat, bodybuilder, bomber, boomer, brunet, brunette, bull, bullfighter, buster, cancer, candidate, capitalist, capricorn, captor, capturer, carrottop, case, cashier, caucasian, delayer, abjurer, abomination, aboriginal, aborigine, watcher, water bearer, weakling, wealthy person, weasel, weight gainer, welcomer, white, white person, wiggler, wight, winker, winner, withholder, witness, worker, worldling, wriggler, wuss, yawner, yearner, yielder, zombi, zombie, celebrant, celebrater, celebrator, censor, chameleon, changer, charmer, child, chooser, chutzpanik, closer, cloud seeder, clumsy person, coddler, collector, color-blind person, combatant, comforter, common man, common person, commoner, communicator, compeer, complexifier, compulsive, computer user, contemplative, contestant, contriver, controller, controversialist, convert, copycat, counter, counterterrorist, coward, crab, crawler, creator, creature, creditor, creeper, cripple, cross-dresser, dancer, dead person, dead soul, deaf person, debaser, debitor, debtor, deceased, deceased person, decedent, defecator, degrader, abator, deliverer, demander, denizen, departed, deviser, dieter, differentiator, discriminator, disentangler, disputant, dissenter, dissident, divider, doer, domestic partner, doormat, double, doubter, dresser, dribbler, driveller, drooler, drug user, dupe, dweller, dyslectic, dyslexic, eccentric, eccentric person, ectomorph, effecter, effector, ejector, elizabethan, emotional person, emulator, endomorph, engineer, enjoyer, enrollee, entertainer, equal, eristic, essayer, ethnic, excuser, expectorator, experimenter, expert, explorer, exponent, extravert, extrovert, face, faddist, faller, fastener, female, female person, fiduciary, fighter, first-rater, fish, flake, fleer, follower, forerunner, forgiver, free agent, free spirit, freewheeler, friend, fugitive, gainer, gambler, gatekeeper, gatherer, gay, geek, gem, gemini, gentile, gipsy, goat, good guy, good person, granter, greeter, grinner, groaner, grownup, grunter, guesser, guinea pig, gypsy, habitant, handicapped person, hater, have, hebrew, heterosexual, heterosexual person, homo, homophile, homosexual, homunculus, hope, hoper, huddler, hugger, image, imitator, immune, indigen, indigene, individualist, indweller, inexperienced person, inhabitant, innocent, insured, insured person, intellect, intellectual, interpreter, introvert, israelite, jat, jew, jewel, jumper, junior, juvenile, juvenile person, killer, kink, kneeler, knocker, knower, kook, large person, latin, laugher, leader, learner, left-hander, lefty, leo, libra, life, lightning rod, linguist, lion, literate, literate person, liver, longer, look-alike, loose cannon, loved one, lover, machine, mailer, maimer, malcontent, male, male person, man, man jack, mangler, manipulator, married, masturbator, match, measurer, mediocrity, mesomorph, mestizo, middlebrow, miracle man, miracle worker, misfit, misogamist, mixed-blood, modern, modifier, mollycoddler, money dealer, money handler, monolingual, mother hen, mouse, mover and shaker, muscle-builder, muscle builder, musclebuilder, muscleman, mutilator, namer, namesake, national, native, native american, needer, neglecter, negro, negroid, neighbor, neighbour, neutral, noncompliant, nondescript, nondrinker, nonmember, nonparticipant, nonpartisan, nonpartizan, nonperson, nonreligious person, nonresident, nonsmoker, nonworker, nude, nude person, nurser, objector, observer, occultist, odd fellow, odd fish, odd man out, oddball, onanist, opener, opponent, opposer, optimist, orphan, ostrich, ouster, outcaste, outdoorsman, owner, pamperer, pansexual, pardoner, partner, party, passer, peer, perceiver, percher, percipient, person of color, person of colour, persona non grata, personage, personification, perspirer, philosopher, picker, pisces, pisser, planner, player, polyglot, possessor, posturer, powderer, precursor, preserver, primitive, primitive person, proponent, propositus, prospect, protester, public relations person, pursuer, pussycat, quarter, queer bird, queer duck, quester, quitter, radical, ram, rara avis, rare bird, realist, recoverer, rectifier, red-header, redhead, redheader, registrant, relation, relative, reliever, religious person, repeater, rescuer, resister, rester, restrainer, revenant, rich person, right-hander, right hander, righthander, riser, romanticist, romper, roundhead, ruler, runaway, rusher, sagittarius, saluter, saver, scholar, scientist, scorpio, scorpion, scourge, scrag, scrapper, scratcher, searcher, second-rater, seeder, seeker, segregate, selector, self, sensualist, sentimentalist, sex object, sex symbol, shaker, shitter, showman, signatory, signer, significant other, simple, simpleton, six-footer, skidder, skin, skin and bones, skinhead, slav, slave, slayer, sleepyhead, slider, slipper, slobberer, sloucher, small person, smasher, smiler, smotherer, sneezer, sniffer, sniffler, sniveler, snuffer, snuffler, social dancer, socialiser, socializer, sort, sounding board, southpaw, sphinx, spitter, spoiler, sport, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent, sprawler, spurner, squint-eye, squinter, squirmer, stifler, stigmatic, stigmatist, stooper, straight, straight person, stranger, struggler, subject, substance abuser, succeeder, success, supernumerary, surrenderer, survivalist, survivor, suspect, swayer, sweater, tagger, tapper, taurus, technologist, tempter, termer, terror, testate, testator, thin person, third-rater, thirster, threat, thrower, tiger, topper, toreador, totemist, toucher, transexual, transfer, transferee, transgendered, transsexual, transvestite, traveler, traveller, trier, turner, twin, tyrant, ugly duckling, undoer, unfastener, unfortunate, unfortunate person, unperson, unraveler, unraveller, unskilled person, untier, unusual person, unwelcome person, urinator, user, vanisher, venturer, victim, victorian, virgin, virgo, visionary, visually impaired person, voider, waiter, waker, walk-in, wanter, ward, warrior
Type Words
Synonyms deadly
Type Words
Derivation mortality

mortal beings.
Type Words

mortal enemy.

Examples of mortal

Browsing the bookstore shelves can pose grim challenges for the ordinary mortal.
From the kentucky.com
All of those social characteristics are the mortal enemies of Islamic militancy.
From the sfgate.com
Finally, the mist rises and Arthur slays his enemy, but receives a mortal wound.
From the theepochtimes.com
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune nearly dealt Kentucky a mortal blow.
From the kentucky.com
He came to prepare and save all of mortal life from death, satan's cryptic tool.
From the blog.beliefnet.com
He went sliding down the hillside uncontrollably, never really in mortal danger.
From the sacbee.com
Certain cells are more delicate, and the damage caused by photons can be mortal.
From the sciencedaily.com
Often, it is Lakshmi who acts as the advocate for the request of a given mortal.
From the en.wikipedia.org
What was mortal danger to the Earth-Born is a momentary threat to the Star-Born.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
  • Person: a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  • Subject to death; "mortal beings"
  • Deadly: involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death; "the seven deadly sins"
  • Mortal(a): unrelenting and deadly; "mortal enemy"
  • (mortality) the quality or state of being mortal
  • (mortality) deathrate: the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
  • Mortal was a Christian industrial/dance band fronted by Jerome Fontamillas and Jyro Xhan. Both members went on to found the alternative rock group Fold Zandura, and for a time were members of both bands simultaneously. ...
  • (Mortality (band)) Cryogenic was an Australian thrash metal/death metal band formed in 1992 in Wetherill Park, a suburb of Sydney, Australia.
  • (Mortality (computability theory)) In computability theory, the mortality problem is a decision problem which can be stated as follows: In the statement above, the configuration is a pair , where q is one of the machine's states (not necessarily its initial state) and w is an infinite sequence ...