Roberts explained she can't misspell a word, or use the wrong colors for a dragon.
From the
At least you didn't call it a hardon, like most other people who misspell it.
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Beware of impostor sites that prey on people who misspell the website.
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An article about mistakes and you misspell the name of the website in the first sentence.
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There are bills to clarify it's OK for voters to misspell the names of write-in candidates.
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Two kids misspell their own names, while others write elaborate essays about summer vacation.
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Even if in your fatigue you misspell the username of your choice, Facebook won't change it.
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To be honest, I'm not thrilled by all the businesses that intentionally misspell their names.
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If you misspell the words constitution or deficit I will discount your ideas as those of a child.
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More examples
Spell incorrectly
(misspelling) a spelling that is incorrect
Spelling is the writing of a word or words with the necessary letters and diacritics present in an accepted standard order. It is one of the elements of orthography and a element of alphabetic languages. ...
(Misspelling) although usually inadvertent, can sometimes be used deliberately, especially with satirical intent, to portray the quoted person as stupid or uneducated.