Justin Cavazos is due in court Feb. 15 and faces a minium of 35 years in prison.
From the dailyherald.com
It will be tough even so for those anglers this year with an 18-inch minium size.
From the app.com
Our population here is made up of mostly hourly minium wage earners.
From the orlandosentinel.com
The Xoom on the other hand is very iPad-ish with a wrap-around bezel and minium seam lines.
From the techcrunch.com
They would not evict a union offical on 140000 for a single parent or someone on minium wage.
From the economist.com
At my company all PhD students start on a minium of 27k in recognition of their further education.
From the guardian.co.uk
The minium wage would guess has more to do with hiring for unskilled roles than incentives of benefits.
From the economist.com
He weighed about 70kg but the minium riding weight was 61kg.
From the couriermail.com.au
If the union had won some people would have been left with the legal minium while other larges amount.
From the economist.com
More examples
Red lead: a reddish oxide of lead (Pb3O4) used as a pigment in paints and in glass and ceramics
Minium is a genus of thalloid alga comprising approximately 1 species. The thalli take a crustose form.
Red lead
Red paint used to define incised letters on Roman inscriptions. On the Severan Marble Plan, minium was added to every incised line (except the guidelines). It also filled the recessed outlines that marked especially important buildings.
Red oxide of lead; a red pigment commonly used in medieval illumination; vermilion.