We all are familiar with the miniaturisation of electronics over recent decades.
From the irishtimes.com
In addition, PCM offers greater potential for future miniaturisation than flash.
From the economist.com
The key, it turned out, lay in the miniaturisation and automation of analytical tools.
From the economist.com
This miniaturisation leads to a potentially much cheaper source of high quality X-rays.
From the sciencedaily.com
Its supreme heat resistance and reliability have allowed the miniaturisation of our gadgets.
From the guardian.co.uk
Miniaturisation and high-throughput techniques can only do so much.
From the newscientist.com
Thanks to miniaturisation, some of the new accessories are far lighter than their predecessors.
From the economist.com
We've learnt a lot from the miniaturisation on iPods and iPhones.
From the guardian.co.uk
Magnonic components are much more suitable for miniaturisation than traditional microwave technology.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
Miniaturization: act of making on a greatly reduced scale
Miniaturization (Br.Eng.: Miniaturisation) is the creation of ever-smaller scales for mechanical, optical, and electronic products and devices. Miniaturization is a continuing trend in the production of such devices.