On 21 April, KG 55 damaged the minesweeper Komintern and sank a transport ship.
From the en.wikipedia.org
They shoot down 20 Japanese planes and sink two merchant ships and a minesweeper.
From the en.wikipedia.org
He bought a mansion in Perth, and converted a minesweeper into a giant luxury yacht.
From the time.com
In 1942 first modern naval minesweeper made in North Carolina launched here.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The first HMS Morris Dance was a Dance class minesweeper, launched in 1919.
From the en.wikipedia.org
He was the commander of one of the destroyers and the minesweeper and served in Vietnam.
From the orlandosentinel.com
A minesweeper is a small navalwarship designed to counter the threat posed by naval mines.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The first ship that was commissioned was the HMCyS Vijaya, an Algerine-class minesweeper.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A 172-foot minesweeper, it may be the last surviving wooden warship built by the U.S. Navy.
From the sacbee.com
More examples
Ship equipped to detect and then destroy or neutralize or remove marine mines
(minesweeping) the activity of detecting and disposing of marine mines
Minesweeper is a single-player video game. The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine. ...
Minesweeper is a 1943 American film directed by William Berke.
A minesweeper is a small naval warship designed to counter the threat posed by naval mines. Minesweepers generally detect then neutralize mines in advance of other naval operations.
Windows Minesweeper is a variant of the computer game Minesweeper, created by Robert Donner and Curt Johnson of Microsoft. Initially released as part of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows in 1990, it was included in the standard install of Windows 3. ...
A vehicle, device or person with the purpose of removing explosive mines (landmines or water mines); A logic-based computer game in which the player has to discover the position of mines
(minesweeping) (MINE-sweep-ing): clearing mines (explosive devices) from sea lanes to protect ships as they travel
(forthcoming); see GUINEA-PIG [nb: "Any ship can be a mine sweeper ... once."]