English language

How to pronounce midrash in English?

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Type of comment, commentary

Examples of midrash

It seems to be older than most other midrash, coming from the early 3rd century.
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The following ancient midrash is especially interesting, in connection with Deut.
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One morning another worshiper, Norm Pell, approached me and reminded me of a beautiful midrash.
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In the midrash, the selling of Joseph was part of God's divine plan for him to save his tribes.
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This work is mainly a halakhic midrash, yet includes a long haggadic piece in sections 78-106.
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Many works of classical midrash were written in Hebrew.
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A midrash asked, how many times was Joseph sold?
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There are two versions of this midrash collection.
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According to the midrash Genesis Rabba, Abraham's father, Terah, was both an idol manufacturer and worshipper.
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More examples
  • (Judaism) an ancient commentary on part of the Hebrew scriptures that is based on Jewish methods of interpretation and attached to the biblical text
  • In Judaism, the Midrash (/u02C8mu026Adru0251u02D0u0283/; Hebrew: u05DEu05D3u05E8u05E9u200Eu200Eu00A0; pl. u05DEu05D3u05E8u05E9u05D9u05DD Midrashim) is the body of exegesis of Torah texts along with homiletic stories as taught by Chazal (Rabbinical Jewish sages of the post-Temple era) that provide an intrinsic analysis to passages in the Tanakh.
  • A Rabbinic commentary on a text from the Hebrew Scripture; The Rabbinic technique or tradition of such exegesis
  • One of the classical collections of the Sages' homiletical teachings on the Torah, on the non-literal level of derush.
  • Collection of extra-biblical stories
  • A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules).
  • Explains biblical text from the ethical and devotional point of view.
  • From a Hebrew word "darash," meaning "to seek out." According to Rabbi Donna Berman, "Midrash uses allegory and additional narrative to fill in the gaps left by an often terse biblical text. Midrash is creative and imaginative. ...
  • The Hebrew word means investigation or research. Midrash is a method of Jewish interpretation of the scriptures developed after the return from exile. It aimed to edify by eliciting from scriptural text associations and applications which went beyond literal meaning. ...