English language

How to pronounce mic in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms microphone, mike
Type of electro-acoustic transducer
Has types capacitor microphone, capacitor mike, condenser microphone, condenser mike, contact microphone, bug, crystal microphone, crystal mike, directional microphone, directional mike, contact mike

Examples of mic

Cheer the salarymen taking turns at the mic and they'll show you love in return.
From the time.com
We're working on new estimates for urban poverty and linking it to the MIC work.
From the guardian.co.uk
Breakfast at Singer's home sometimes feels like open-mic night at a comedy club.
From the cnn.com
And then, the camera panned over to the sound man, who was a holding a boom mic.
From the newsday.com
Maybe experiment with a good quality external mic, if you insist on a cellphone?
From the gillmorgang.techcrunch.com
This open mic event gives local comedians a platform for their comedic stylings.
From the kentucky.com
A band like the Gene Gnomes, which uses a tuba for a bass, can't be easy to mic.
From the orlandosentinel.com
When Maurice had the store, on Saturdays I would play during open mic sessions.
From the freep.com
Given the excellence of the cardiod mic I was using, it all made perfect sense.
From the buffalonews.com
More examples
  • The Book of Micah is the sixth book of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew and Christian Bible.
  • Microphone; To put one or microphones on or in; to use or place a microphone
  • (MICS) Minimally Invasive Coronary Surgery. See this page
  • (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys
  • (MICS) Multiplex Integrated Control System. This is a Honda Trademark, but other manufacturers have similar systems. It is best described as a data buss which interconnects the various control systems located throughout a vehicle. ...
  • (MICS) The Medical Implant Communication Service specifies the use the 402-405 MHz frequency band for communication between medical implants, monitoring base stations and programming equipment. The standard is defined by the U.S. ...
  • Medium Interface Connector. Duplex fiber optic connector used with Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks.
  • The Message Integrity Check (MIC) field is part of ZigBee security. The length of the MIC field is used to authenticate packets.
  • A microphone, used for communication over voice chat or Xbox live.