The superdelegates currently sprinting toward Obama would suddenly look over their shoulders and wonder what happened to his O-mentum.
From the
In the afterglow of the health-care success, Goodwin thinks that Obama has amassed some good will and mo-mentum he can use to gain more victories.
From the
As in the Super Bowl, the odds makers have a clear favorite, McCain, who is riding a double-digit lead in national polls and significant Mac-mentum coming out of his win in Florida.
From the
More examples
A projection like a chin formed by the sepals and base of the column in some orchids
Chin: the protruding part of the lower jaw
A projection below the mouth of certain mollusks that resembles a chin
A labial sclerite articulating basally with the submentum and apically with the prementum; often fused with the latter and indistinguishable as separate sclerite.