English language

How to pronounce membranophone in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms drum, tympan
Type of percussive instrument, percussion instrument
Has types bongo drum, gran casa, tom-tom, bongo, timbrel, bass drum, side drum, snare, snare drum, tabor, tabour, tambour, tambourine, tenor drum

Examples of membranophone

Water drums are also sometimes treated as a distinct category of membranophone.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A membranophone is any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by way of a vibrating stretched membrane.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In addition to drums, there is another kind of membranophone, called the singing membranophone, of which the best known type is the kazoo.
From the en.wikipedia.org
One of the most commonly played of the percussion instruments, the tablah is a membranophone of goat or fish skin stretched over a vase-shaped drum with a wide neck.
From the en.wikipedia.org