It has created the global village, but it has the anonymity of the megalopolis.
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Life in the buzzing megalopolis called Hong Kong is slowly returning to normal.
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In this region, it is hard to define where one megalopolis begins and one ends.
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Wikipedia is a megalopolis and like in any city, interactions are very important.
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Perhaps, but he's more closely identified with the megalopolis to the north.
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Southern California, a dense and transient megalopolis, grew as a self-storage hotbed.
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There is tremendous interest in that megalopolis down there in the clover.
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Theater attendance is up and so is the number of tourists who come to the megalopolis.
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Together this megalopolis has an estimated population of around 50 million.
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More examples
A very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns)
A megalopolis (sometimes called a megapolis or megaregion) is typically defined as a chain of roughly adjacent metropolitan areas. The term was used by Lewis Mumford in his 1938 book, The Culture of Cities, which described it as the first stage in urban overdevelopment and social decline. ...
A large conurbation, where two or more large cities have sprawled outward to meet, forming something larger than a metropolis; a megacity
A spiffy new term for urban sprawl, situations where the expansion of several cities in a particular area has created one continuous city, even if the different parts retain their own name (Boston, New York, Philadelphia, etc.).
Also known as a megacity or supercity; megalopolis indicates an urban area with more than 10 million inhabitants.
A very large city or a thickly populated region encompassing one or more large cities.
Vast expanse of essentially continuous built-up area created by merging urban centres. Coined particularly in the U.S.A. where urban sprawl has blurred the distinctions between certain cities, e.g. BosWash: the extensive built-up area from Boston, through Massachusetts to Washington D.C.
Very large metropolitan urbanized zone. Also termed as "Mega-cities"
A continuous stretch of urban settlement which results from towns cities and conurbations merging together.