English language

How to pronounce matinee idol in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms idol
Type of lead, principal, star
Has types heartthrob

Examples of matinee idol

matinee idol
He was a hockey prodigy then, a matinee idol, all cheekbone and Red Star mystery.
From the freep.com
Trouble arrives when the matinee idol and his public confuse role with reality.
From the washingtontimes.com
I felt we were doing that with Bradley, who was known as a bit of a matinee idol.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Rieu, 47, seems utterly unsurprised by his emergence as a musical matinee idol.
From the time.com
But Mr Poe, a matinee idol and high-school drop-out, says she rigged the vote.
From the economist.com
But you are inhabiting Tom Brady, the biggest matinee idol in American sports.
From the bostonherald.com
At 39, Williams looks more and more like Hollywood's first black matinee idol.
From the time.com
In this memoir by matinee idol Tony Curtis, 80, he writes about his five marriages.
From the freep.com
We think of Faye Dunaway's golden hair and Warren Beatty's matinee-idol grin.
From the washingtonpost.com