English language

How to pronounce masse in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms masse shot
Type of shot, stroke

Examples of masse

Sometimes investors in a fund jump ship en masse, forcing ill-timed asset sales.
From the businessweek.com
Many foreclosure sales are likely being bought en masse by private equity firms.
From the freep.com
Segregationist city leaders in Jackson had the Freedom Riders arrested en masse.
From the washingtonpost.com
He tried to take pictures as the balloons floated en masse up into the dark sky.
From the suntimes.com
We know that entire units have deserted en-masse already, as isolated incidents.
From the economist.com
It knew how not to report the incident and by doing so voted en masse for Obama.
From the economist.com
Even a team en masse in the field are individuals when the ball goes in the air.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Iranians run new hotels in Najaf, a Shia holy city that pilgrims visit en masse.
From the economist.com
Tako is a great idea with good food, but it wasn't ready to be swarmed en masse.
From the sacbee.com
More examples
  • A shot in billiards made by hitting the cue ball with the cue held nearly vertically; the cue ball spins around another ball before hitting the object ball
  • Masei, Mas'ei, or Masse (u05DEu05B7u05E1u05B0u05E2u05B5u05D9 u2013 Hebrew for "journeys," the second word, and the first distinctive word, in the parashah) is the 43rd weekly Torah portion (u05E4u05B8u05BCu05E8u05B8u05E9u05B8u05C1u05D4, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the 10th and last in the Book of Numbers. It constitutes Numbers 33:1u201336:13...
  • Massu00E9 is a French surname. Notable people with the surname include:
  • A shot played with the cue played in an almost vertical position - used to impart extreme swerve on the cue ball.