Small clumps of pickleweed, a saltwater marsh plant, already are appearing.
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Within 10 minutes of exposure to the toxin in the lab, the tubulin of a marsh plant under siege starts to disintegrate.
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Within 10 minutes of exposure to the toxin in the lab, the tubulin of a marsh plant started to disintegrate.
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They are made from the Pandanus plant, a saltwater marsh plant also found throughout the Pacific and South East Asia.
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The simplest ones are probably those of Heliamphora, the marsh pitcher plant.
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Take brewer's yeast, add a gene from a salt marsh plant, grow it with an obscure bacterium found in a French landfill, and what have you got?
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An excessive buildup of natural salts in some drained locations has prevented marsh plant life from returning after reflooding, especially near the Persian Gulf.
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The Chinese, Syrians and Romans all knew of the medicinal properties of the marsh mallow plant.
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The other day, she helped to plant 2,500 stalks of marsh grass along a canal.