English language

How to pronounce logwood in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms bloodwood tree, campeachy, haematoxylum campechianum, logwood tree
Type of blackwood, blackwood tree
Type Words
Type of wood

Examples of logwood

The modern nation of Belize grew from 17th century English logwood logging camps.
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The British had entered the territory as of 1638 to harvest logwood and later mahogany.
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Initially, the focus was upon logwood, which was used in dye manufacture.
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The settlers turned to cutting logwood during the 18th century.
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Logwood extraction then became the main reason for the English settlement for more than a century.
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Their main occupation was cutting logwood, a dyewood for which there was a high demand in Europe.
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The opportunity was taken to resolve long-standing disputes about logwood cutting in Central America.
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Logwood, used to make dye, was Belize's initial main export.
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In its time, logwood was considered a versatile dye, and was widely used on textiles but also for paper.
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More examples
  • Very hard brown to brownish-red heartwood of a logwood tree; used in preparing a purplish red dye
  • Logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum) is a species of flowering tree in the legume family, Fabaceae, that is native to southern Mexico and northern Central America. It has been and to a lesser extent remains of great economic importance. ...
  • The American tree Haematoxylon Campechionum, used in dying. It produces dark shades: blacks, blues, and dark grays.
  • Logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum) is a dyewood native to Mexico and Central America which produces a fast black in combination with a ferrous sulfate (copperas) mordant. ...