In the Tusculan Disputations is the locus classicus of the legend of the Sword of Damocles.
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All this has made France the locus classicus of anti-Americanism.
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Stoker's book also established Transylvania and Eastern Europe as the locus classicus of the Gothic.
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The locus classicus for the study of abductive reasoning is found in Aristotle's Prior Analytics, Book 2, Chapt.
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I think the locus classicus for discussion of this is Hume, whose philosophy is certainly still widely cited as relevant, and not out-moded.
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As an anthropologist, his Sorcerers of Dobu remains the locus classicus of eastern Papuan anthropology, but he is best known instead for his Fortunate number theory.
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The conflict between the forces and relations of production in the eastern part of the homeland of Karl Marx thus became a locus classicus of the sort of contradiction he had originally identified.