Special neumes such as the oriscus, quilisma, and liquescent neumes, indicate particular vocal treatments for these notes.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The oriscus, quilisma, and liquescent neumes indicate special vocal treatments, that have been largely neglected due to uncertainty as to how to sing them.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Light, liquescent and quick drying, watercolour is so easy to handle that children can paint with it, but those same properties make it a fiendishly difficult medium to master.
From the telegraph.co.uk
More examples
Becoming liquid
A neume (spelled neum in, for instance, the Solesmes publications in English) is the basic element of Western and Eastern systems of musical notation prior to the invention of five-line staff notation. The word is a Middle English corruption of the ultimately Ancient Greek word for breath .
[lih-KWEHS-uhnt] A descriptor for cheese that is decidedly oozy or thickly liquid. Also used for cheese that seems to melt in the mouth.