I am apprehensive and have tried not to raise his expectations we hope it will help him lipread.
From the newscientist.com
He is constantly humiliated by his twin brother, Daniel, who insults him while covering his mouth so Nathan can't lipread what he's saying.
From the guardian.co.uk
Even so, the researchers found that words spoken by the test subjects sounded more like the words of the talker they lipread than did words they spoke when simply reading from a list.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
Interpret by lipreading; of deaf people
(lipreading) perceiving what a person is saying by observing the movements of the lips
Lip reading, also known as lipreading or speechreading, is a technique of understanding speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face and tongue with information provided by the context, language, and any residual hearing.
(Lip-reading) The ability to gain understanding of what is being said by watching the lips as well as by watching the face, expressions, and gestures. ...
(Lipreading) Understanding a spoken language by following the lip patterns of the speaker. Less than half the speech sounds of English are shown on the lips and lipreading is a skill not everyone can master.
(Lipreading) Watching the mouth of a person speaking as a method to help a hard of hearing person understand what they are saying. (The modern term is speechreading.)