Dennis also fancies himself as a ladies man but just comes across as a letch.
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I used to watch The Avengers on television, mainly to letch at Mrs Peel.
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Letch and other meat industry executives still profess bafflement at why this story went viral.
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Day or night, a man with a thirst or a letch or the urge to gamble could satisfy his cravings with ease.
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Letch says no customers have expressed safety concerns.
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Almost everyone involved with CLAW said the odd douchebag occasionally shows up at CLAW events, to letch over the women in their sexy outfits.
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American Apparel likes to staff up its stores with good-looking and cheery people, and there have been times, honestly, when I've popped in just for a letch.
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He has a letch for operatic sopranos and a strange hatred of birds, and he is comically unsteady on his snow white charger-especially when he tries to make it rear in the grand manner.
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More examples
Satyr: man with strong sexual desires
Someone with an overly strong sexual desire; A stream or pool in boggy land from "loec" - later "lache", variant "letch" for example Sandy's Letch located east of Annitsford in Northumberland
Letchworth Dining Hall: an all-you-care-to-eat dining hall serving north campus residence halls.
A whim of the amorous kind, out of the common way.