English language

How to pronounce leguminous plant in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms legume
Type of climber, herbaceous plant, herb
Has types asparagus bean, bean, bean plant, black-eyed pea, chickpea, chickpea plant, cicer arietinum, cluster bean, corkscrew flower, cowpea, cowpea plant, crazy weed, crazyweed, cyamopsis psoraloides, cyamopsis tetragonolobus, dolichos biflorus, egyptian pea, yard-long bean, adzuki bean, arachis hypogaea, vigna radiata, vigna sesquipedalis, vigna sinensis, vigna unguiculata, vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis, wild pea, adsuki bean, glycine max, guar, horse grain, horse gram, lens culinaris, lentil, lentil plant, locoweed, macrotyloma uniflorum, moth bean, mung, mung bean, mung bean plant, pea, pea plant, peanut, peanut vine, phaseolus aconitifolius, phaseolus angularis, phaseolus aureus, phaseolus caracalla, poor man's pulse, sesbania, snail-flower, snail bean, snail flower, snailflower, soja, soja bean, soy, soya, soya bean, soybean, soybean plant, vetch, vigna aconitifolia, vigna angularis, vigna caracalla

Examples of leguminous plant

leguminous plant
It is a leguminous plant of the Fabeae family, very popular during the Spanish post-war as a basic foodstuff.
From the sciencedaily.com
This leguminous plant of the Fabeae family was very popular during the Spanish post-war as a basic foodstuff.
From the sciencedaily.com
This leguminous plant has long been known for its ability to absorb the most important fertiliser, nitrogen, from the air and deposit it in the soil.
From the newscientist.com
The plant thus acquires the possibility of fixing much higher quantities of nitrogen than those usually measured in leguminous plants which have nodules only on their roots.
From the sciencedaily.com