In late 2010, the group started wearing lavaliere microphones on their striped vests.
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Why doesn't someone make a wireless bluetooth lavaliere microphone?
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Even while apart, their love blossomed, and when she returned, he gave her his Kappa Sigma lavaliere.
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This jade lavaliere necklace, made in the 1960s, was given to a Teufi client as a gift when she got married.
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More examples
Jeweled pendant worn on a chain around the neck
A lavalier is a type of jewelry, consisting of a pendant, sometimes with one stone, suspended from a necklace.
A necklace with the sorority letters, often worn by members. Lavaliering is a process where a fraternity member would give his lavaliere to his girlfriend, as a sign of a serious relationship. Depending on the campus, this can be equal to "pinning".
A small microphone that can be clipped onto clothing or suspended from neck cords and worn in front of the chest.
A necklace with Greek letters on it. Sorority women can wear these necklaces with their sorority's letters, and many become lavaliered upon receiving a lavaliere from their boyfriend with his fraternity's letters.
Necklace bearing the letters of a fraternity/sorority.
Small, easily concealed, unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing microphone, which is typically attached to clothing for interview settings.
Is a red necklace and a Stygian Abyss Artifact, a unique drop of the Slasher of Veils.
A delicate pendant(s) worn on or attached to neck chains.