A laughing gull attempts to fly, but is unable in a photo taken on Monday, May 17, 2010.
From the kansas.com
A white pelican and a laughing gull, cleaned earlier, share a cage and a square pool larger than some motel rooms.
From the chron.com
Miss Waterman knew the difference between a laughing gull and an Arctic tern and by the time we finished the fifth grade, we did, too.
From the post-gazette.com
Even birds for which the New York coastline is home were transported unusually far inland, with a laughing gull spotted in Ithaca, for example.
From the cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com
The young bird, called a laughing gull, would soon end up in one of four wildlife rehabilitation centers opened along the Gulf of Mexico after a BP oil well blew out April 20.