Adoration, which is known as latria in classical theology, is the worship and homage that is rightly offered to God alone.
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Catholics use the term hyperdulia for Marian veneration rather than latria that applies to God and dulia for other saints.
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These distinctions between deity and mediators are exhaustively treated at the entries for latria and dulia.
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Church theologians have long adopted the terms latria for the type of worship due to God alone, and dulia for the veneration given to saints and icons.
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Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians make an exception for the veneration of image of saints, which is not considered by them to be adoration or latria.
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More examples
Adoration: the worship given to God alone
Latria is a theological term (Latin Latru012Ba, from the Greek u03BBu03B1u03C4u03C1u03B5u03AFu03B1, latreia) used in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic theology to mean adoration, a reverence directed only to the Holy Trinity. Latria carries an emphasis on the internal form of worship, rather than external ceremonies.