Lamb's Quarters Does anyone have experience with lamb's quarters in the garden?
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But there are still those who harvest dandelions and lamb's-quarters and purslane.
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In my own backyard, even into late autumn, are lamb's quarters, a native leaf eaten as salad.
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Weeds will be hard to extricate, and by midsummer there will be masses of purslane and lamb's quarters.
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Scientists hand-sprayed vinegar on Canada thistle, common lamb's quarters, giant foxtail, velvetleaf and smooth pigweed.
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Other sources include thistles in general, lamb's-quarters, and blackberries, native or escaped nonnative varieties such as Himalaya.
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I picked through farm-fresh lamb's quarters and wild watercress while Naputi put a single duck breast on the flat-top grill.
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Strolling around the property last weekend, the couple pointed out wild mustard and the yellow, frilly stalks of lamb's quarters amid green alfalfa fields.
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Purslane, spurge, lamb's-quarters, shepherd's purse, redroot pigweed, common ragweed, nightshade, yellow mustard and crabgrass are examples of common annual weeds.