English language

How to pronounce laissez passer in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms pass
Type of permission
Has types boarding card, boarding pass, hall pass, ticket-of-leave

Examples of laissez passer

laissez passer
Strauss-Kahn has a laissez-passer travel document issued by the United Nations.
From the omaha.com
Sometimes laissez-passer are used for this purpose.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Lebanon, Syria and Egypt grant Palestinians not passports but a laissez-passer that immigration officers tend to regard with suspicion.
From the economist.com
The phrase is the shortcut of Laissez faire, laissez passer, a doctrine first supported by the Physiocrats in the 18th century.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Two years ago Israeli border officials began stamping his American passport instead of the laissez-passer that Israel issues to Arab Jerusalemites.
From the economist.com
Using microphone and cameraman as his laissez-passer, just as Sasha Baron Cohen did as Borat, Sediuk has barged into celebrities'line of sight.
From the latimes.com
After surrendering his French passport to the district attorney's office, his lawyers said they would get the laissez-passer, which was in Strauss-Kahn's Washington office, and turn it over.
From the omaha.com