English language

How to pronounce ladino in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms judeo-spanish
Type of spanish

Examples of ladino

Ladino is the language of Sephardic Jews, and it's barely alive.
From the dallasnews.com
Ladino is still spoken by some Jews in Thessaloniki.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In popular use, the term ladino commonly refers to non-indigenous Guatemalans, as well as mestizos and westernizedamerindians.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Ladino clover is a white clover that is used in pasture mixes and grows taller than the common white clover that often shows up in lawns.
From the inrich.com
Ladino workers, whose families have lived in the region for many generations, help our research with their extensive knowledge of local fauna and flora.
From the scientistatwork.blogs.nytimes.com
Ladino made it very simple to understand the Spanish language, and they saw that even a lot of the items that we sell today, in the Caribbean, you found them in pharmacies and chain stores.
From the huffingtonpost.com
More examples
  • Mestizo: a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
  • Judeo-Spanish: the Spanish dialect spoken by Sephardic Jews but written in the Hebrew script
  • Judeo-Spanish (also Judaeo-Spanish and Judu00E6o-Spanish: Judeo-Espau00F1ol, Hebrew script: u05D2u05BFu05D5u05D3u05BFu05D9u05D0u05D5-u05D0u05D9u05E1u05E4u05D0u05E0u05D9u05D9u05D5u05DC, Cyrillic: u0402u0443u0434u0435u043E-u0415u0441u043Fu0430u045Au043Eu043B), commonly referred to as Ladino, is a Romance language derived from Old Spanish...
  • A larger veriaty of white clover. Trifolium repens
  • A person in Latin America who speaks Spanish and is "Westernized", and whose culture is a mixture of European Spanish and Native American decent, a mestizo; A Romance language, derived mainly from Old Castilian (Spanish) and Hebrew
  • A Romance language, usually written in Hebrew characters, used by Sephardic Jews, especially in the Balkans.
  • An old-fashioned form of Spanish spoken by Sephardic Jews.
  • A Christianized Africian slave who spoke Spanish or had some knowledge of Spanish of culture.
  • The Jewish-Spanish language