English language

How to pronounce labour camp in English?

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Synonyms labor camp
Type of camp

Examples of labour camp

labour camp
Former labour camp inmate Zhou Xijun, 48, turned himself in the following day.
From the independent.co.uk
Forty days later I was sentenced to two years in a labour camp in Beijing.
From the theepochtimes.com
Powers bailed out, was captured an spent two years in a Soviet labour camp.
From the newscientist.com
She had saved his life in a labour camp, smuggling him leftovers from the camp kitchen.
From the guardian.co.uk
But they risk repatriation and subsequent consignment to a labour camp.
From the guardian.co.uk
If they failed to extort money, they might end up in a labour camp.
From the economist.com
Mr Khetsun was moved from prison to slave-labour camp and back again.
From the economist.com
The labour camp where she has been held for more than a year is arguing against her release.
From the thisismoney.co.uk
This time she was sent to a labour camp, from which she duly escaped, only to be captured again.
From the telegraph.co.uk