English language

How to pronounce kit fox in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms vulpes macrotis
Type of fox
Type Words
Synonyms prairie fox, vulpes velox
Type of fox

Examples of kit fox

kit fox
People might mistakenly think they have seen a kit fox in Fresno, Cypher said.
From the kentucky.com
For decades, the kit fox population has been decimated throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
From the kentucky.com
During the three hours we took to drive the road, we saw hawks, crows and a San Joaquin kit fox.
From the ocregister.com
The kit fox is endangered and the other two species are also of concern to wildlife biologists.
From the newscientist.com
A kit fox in Utah's West Desert in March.
From the sltrib.com
Terry Sadler snapped this shot of what he identified as a kit fox while visiting the West Desert in Juab County.
From the sltrib.com
Kit fox are rare in Utah, but they are found here.
From the sltrib.com
The 45,000-acre grassy wetlands attracts thousands of migrating waterfowl and is home to the endangered San Joaquin kit fox.
From the sacbee.com
He said the kit fox needs corridors of natural habitat through Valley development and agriculture to link them with remaining wild lands.
From the kentucky.com