Kawasaki disease tends to run in families, suggesting that there are genetic components to disease risk.
From the nature.com
Kawasaki disease can occur at any age but is most commonly found in children under the age of five years.
From the sciencedaily.com
Kawasaki disease is an inflammation of the blood vessels that can damage the heart but doesn't affect the brain.
From the usatoday.com
Kawasaki disease is characterized by acute inflammation of the vascular system in infants and children, and if left untreated can lead to lethal coronary artery aneurysms.
From the nature.com
Kawasaki disease is highly treatable-approximately 80 percent of children diagnosed with it require only one round of treatment-but making a diagnosis is often a significant challenge.
From the scienceblog.com
Kawasaki disease is a rare but serious condition in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels, specifically the heart vessels that supply the heart tissue or coronary arteries.
From the sciencedaily.com
Kawasaki syndrome, the disease the family has said sickened Jett when he was a toddler, can cause inflammation in blood vessels and arteries.
From the dailynews.com
Kawasaki cases tend to occur most often in winter and spring, and the disease incidence is found to be highest among children of Asian descent, hinting at a genetic component.