It was a great summer, mostly spent working as a janitor in charge of bathrooms.
From the
Javits'father, a onetime Talmudic scholar from the Ukraine, worked as a janitor.
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Antonia Moreno was getting her husband Rafael, a warehouse janitor, off to work.
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This would be a more important story as the janitor provides a useful function.
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The janitor suffers from dementia and was unfit to testify before the grand jury.
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Imani Sullivan, 29, works as a janitor while caring for her two small children.
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A janitor making his way along the pier recently was asked about the Duke-Stir.
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Magliato got interested in medicine while working as a janitor at a nursing home.
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Dollison worked evenings as a janitor for the Papillion-La Vista school district.
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More examples
Someone employed to clean and maintain a building
A janitor or custodian (called caretaker in British English, see American and British English differences) is a person who takes care of a building, such as a hospital, school, office building, or apartment block. ...
The Janitor is a fictional character, played by actor Neil Flynn in the American comedy-drama Scrubs.
The following is a list of monsters in the video game series Silent Hill.
This is a list of fictional characters in the Canadian science fiction television series Strange Days at Blake Holsey High.
Someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building; a doorman
(janitoring) The work of a janitor
To dream of a janitor, denotes bad management and disobedient children. Unworthy servants will annoy you. To look for a janitor and fail to find him, petty annoyances will disturb your otherwise placid existence. ...