English language

How to pronounce intercommunicate in English?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms communicate
Type of interact
Has types bring down, carry, come across, come over, commune, contact, convey, enquire, express, finger-spell, fingerspell, gab, gesticulate, gesture, get, get hold of, get through, give, greet, grimace, impose, inflict, inform, inquire, issue, jest, joke, make a face, motion, mouth, network, nod, pay, project, pull a face, radio, reach, render, riddle, semaphore, share, sign, signal, signalise, signalize, speak, talk, telepathise, telepathize, throw, turn to, utter, verbalise, verbalize, visit, whistle, write, address, yak, aphorise, aphorize, ask, blog
Derivation intercommunication
Type Words
Type of interlink, complect, interconnect
Has types communicate

These rooms intercommunicate.

Examples of intercommunicate

Mozilla browsers currently support LiveConnect, a feature that allows JavaScript and Java to intercommunicate on the web.
From the en.wikipedia.org
With it 1,000 stations may be located within a radius of fifty miles from any city and intercommunicate with one another without mutual interference.
From the en.wikipedia.org