Lynn's second string briefly deferred to Schlein but dived back up the inside to clinch a thriller.
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The little battles played out inside the clinch.
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But the showers quickly moved away allowing the hosts to clinch victory inside 35 overs.
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A clinch in the last minute leads to a flurry on the inside from both fighters.
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Prince answered with his bucket, and after Curry scored inside, Chauncey Billups made two free throws to clinch it.
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When I was a kickboxer, I wanted to be good at knees, elbows, punches, kicks, the clinch game, the inside game, the outside game, everything.
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The flashpoint of last year's trouble was near the giant TV screen outside Staples, where some 10,000 people on the sidewalk and street watched the Lakers clinch the title inside.
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A clinch near the corner in the last minute and Ward lands a few wicked shots on the inside.
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Look inside the numbers they posted in the 157 games it took them to clinch and there is plenty of reason for hope.