I was the steak tartare initiator for New Zealand, but Simon will do it his way.
From the nzherald.co.nz
I think the government who is pushing the EPA to enforce this, is the initiator.
From the biomass.scienceblog.com
In the case of a read, they indicate which bytes the initiator is interested in.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In SCSI terminology, communication takes place between an initiator and a target.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Jones worked with Harvey Milk and is the initiator of the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
From the fresnobee.com
There's league initiator Rube Foster keeping accounts as respectful players look on.
From the newsobserver.com
At the far end of that hole is a pellet of conventional initiator explosive.
From the en.wikipedia.org
All these control the process of initiator proteins binding to the origin sequences.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The choreographer was now an initiator of events rather than a controller.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
Instigator: a person who initiates a course of action
One who initiates; A substance that initiates a chain reaction or polymerization; A task (in a mainframe computer) that initiates multiple jobs; A material whose presence in the body eventually leads to cancer
A relatively unstable molecule that decomposes into a free radical. Used to "initiate" a polymer growth reaction.
A person empowered by Maharaji to reveal the Knowledge techniques to aspirants in a Knowledge Session.. Formerly known as a mahatma. Maharaji now reveals the Knowledge techniques personally, or via video, so initiators are not necessary.
A device that begins a SCSI transaction by issuing a command to another device giving it a task to perform. Typically a SCSI host adapter is the initiator but targets may also become initiators.
The individual responsible for communicating funds transfer information to the financial institution. An Office of the Treasurer staff member is the initiator for most electronic funds transfers.
The employee who is submitting the negotiated contract with a completed Contract Transmittal Form (CTF).
An initiator is a device that produces neutrons at just the right instant, when the assembly process has reached the stage at which the fissile material has supercritical mass. This allows some of the early stages in the chain reaction to be bypassed. ...
The term 'initiator', when used with respect to an electronic mail message, means the person who initiates such message. ...