Here, by careful choice of resonator material and design, we demonstrate for the first time mid-infrared Kerr frequency combs based on microresonators.
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Normally near-infrared, the laser turns ultraviolet as the frequency is increased.
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Mid-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy with a broadband frequency comb.
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Above infrared in frequency comes visible light.
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Operates using radio frequency, away from mainstream implementations using infrared.
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An infrared or radio frequency receiver attached to the teacher's computer collects the data submitted by students.
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The bubble can be seen in X-ray images taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, as well as in infrared and radio frequency images.
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That local communication for example can be achieved by wireless transmission systems, like radio frequency or infrared.
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A large plume of gas and dust is also expected and Deep Impact will probe its composition in the ultraviolet, visible, infrared and radio-frequency ranges.