English language

How to pronounce inflation rate in English?

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Synonyms rate of inflation
Type of rate

Examples of inflation rate

inflation rate
Our projection assumes a 4% inflation rate in China compared with 2% in America.
From the economist.com
The taxes were converted into 2005 dollars using a three percent inflation rate.
From the ocregister.com
The Labor Department on Friday said the wholesale inflation rate fell in August.
From the usatoday.com
The first is the amount of attention given to the so-called core inflation rate.
From the nytimes.com
The annual inflation rate reached 3.2% in March, its highest level for 17 years.
From the economist.com
The latest wholesale-price inflation rate might therefore be pushed up to 9-10%.
From the economist.com
Britain's inflation rate in particular was much higher than originally expected.
From the economist.com
Based on the latest figures on consumer prices, the annual inflation rate is 2%.
From the money.cnn.com
He estimated the inflation rate will climb to between 15 percent and 20 percent.
From the bloomberg.com