This country is full of Americans who also suffer from a mass case of infantilism.
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There is no recognized etiology for infantilism and little research on the subject.
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Worklessness is not a disaease, it isnt a scourge and it isn't infantilism.
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Often quite funny, though ultimately risk-averse in its depiction of male infantilism.
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Respect for others and facilitated the onward rush of infantilism amongst the people.
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It's his kind of attitude that creates a state of whining infantilism.
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Svankmajer's work has a savage infantilism that is indeed diabolical.
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The upshot is the Kims'peculiar cult, of state-sponsored infantilism.
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Formless, artless, and mostly childish, matching the infantilism of Western society since WWII.
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More examples
An abnormal condition in which an older child or adult retains infantile characteristics
Infantile behavior in mature persons
In medicine, Infantilism is an obsolete term for various, often unrelated disorders human development, up to developmental disability, which consist of retention of the physical and/or psychological characteristics of early developmental stages (infant, child) into a relatively advanced age. ...
Infantile speech, pedolalia, baby talk, infantile perseveration, or infantilism is a speech disorder, persistence of early speech development stage beyond the age when it is normally expected. ...
(Infantilist) Paraphilic infantilism is a paraphilia characterized by the desire to wear diapers, due to reasons other than medical necessity, and/or be treated as an infant or toddler. It is also characterized by the carrying out of these desires on a regular basis. ...
An emotional dependency on being treated as an infant; A sexual dependency on the sight or feeling of diapers, or being diapered
(infantilist) One who is subject to infantilism
Noun, 1. Having desires to be treated as or to act like an infant. For more information, see Paraphilic Infantilism: the History of the Term. Sometimes this term is used generally, to include diaper fetishes as well. 2.(Archaic.) Having an undeveloped sexual drive, paraphilia. 3. ...