The indistinguishability of particles has a profound effect on their statistical properties.
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She's singing about liking to get hurt, and he's rapping about the indistinguishability of hate and love.
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For example, the indistinguishability of particles has been proposed as a solution to Gibbs'mixing paradox.
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The political task of humanity, he argues, is to expose the innate potential in this zone of indistinguishability.
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The indistinguishability of the photons is investigated as a function of the source brightness and the excitation conditions.
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This indicates that the particle labels have no physical meaning, in agreement with our earlier discussion on indistinguishability.
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In the conventional explanation, this is associated with an indistinguishability of the particles associated with quantum mechanics.
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A key prerequisite for their use in optical quantum computing and solid-state networks is a high level of efficiency and indistinguishability.
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Where Taiji is a differentiating principle that results in the emergence of something new, Dao is still and silent, operating to reduce all things to equality and indistinguishability.
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More examples
Identity: exact sameness; "they shared an identity of interests"
Identical particles, or indistinguishable particles, are particles that cannot be distinguished from one another, even in principle. ...
Ciphertext indistinguishability is an important security property of many encryption schemes. Intuitively, if a cryptosystem possesses the property of indistinguishability, then an adversary will be unable to distinguish pairs of ciphertexts based on the message they encrypt. ...
(I) An attribute of an encryption algorithm that is a formalization of the notion that the encryption of some string is indistinguishable from the encryption of an equal-length string of nonsense. (C) Under certain conditions, this notion is equivalent to 'semantic security'. ...