Using a slightly dampened finger, press an indent into the center of each mound.
From the
If you do this, everyone will know that you didn't forget to indent by mistake.
From the
Place a stalk and leaf in the top centre of the indent to complete the fruit.
From the
Flip them upside down and check out how deep they've made that indent on the bottom.
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Place cubes in the indent, and as they slowly melt, the water will wick up the fiber.
From the
Place on cookie sheets and make an indent in the middle with your thumb.
From the
Due to a WP quirk, the 1st footnote on a page might not indent properly.
From the
You should always indent your reply one level deeper than the person you are replying to.
From the
Groats are sized and separated using screens, shakers and indent screens.
From the
More examples
Set in from the margin; "Indent the paragraphs of a letter"
An order for goods to be exported or imported
Indentation: the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line
Cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication; "indent the documents"
Make a depression into; "The bicycle dented my car"
Notch the edge of or make jagged
Indent is a live album by Cecil Taylor recorded in Ohio in March 1973 and originally released on Taylor's own Unit Core label as Mysteries and subsequently more widely released on the Arista Freedom label as Indent. ...
Indent is a Unix utility that reformats C and C++ code in a user-defined coding style. Support for C++ code is considered experimental.
An indentation may refer to: * A notch, or deep recesses; for instance in a coastline, or a carving in rock * The placement of text farther to the right to separate it from surrounding text.