It is synonymous to barbarity, impoliteness, insolence, unmanrliness and impudence.
From the
Hiding behind anonymity, I have found, tends to exacerbate impoliteness.
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It is very embarrasing as you can imagine, and can even be construed as impoliteness or racism.
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Its use can also mean rudeness, impoliteness or offensiveness.
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For one side to insist on being masked is simply glaring impoliteness and undermines mutual honesty.
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I'm not sure which book of etiquette supplied him with the idea that true impoliteness was pointing out somebody else's rudeness.
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A rant does not imply impoliteness.
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Take, for example, the locking up of irreverent youths for slight impoliteness towards the ruler's late, and deified, mother Zarifa.
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When we are on our honeymoon in America next month, maybe we will pull up at the White House, accost POTUS for his impoliteness, then drive off into the sunset.
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More examples
A discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage
(impolite) not polite
Rudeness (also called impudence or effrontery) is a display of disrespectfulness by not complying with the social "laws" or etiquette of a group or culture. These laws been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. ...