In linguistics, the subordinate concept is called a hyponym of its superordinate.
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A bahuvrihi is exocentric, so that the compound is not a hyponym of its head.
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For example, vehicle is a hypernym of car, and car is a hyponym of vehicle.
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A hypernym is superordinate to a hyponym, and a hyponym is subordinate to a hypernym.
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A word denoting a subset of what another word denotes is a hyponym.
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A word that is more specific than a given word
In linguistics, a hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included within that of another word, its hypernym (sometimes spelled hyperonym outside of the natural language processing community). In simpler terms, a hyponym shares a type-of relationship with its hypernym. ...
A more specific term; a subordinate grouping word or phrase
(hyponymic) Of or pertaining to hyponyms
More specific keywords such as Ford, Chevrolet, or Toyota, which will narrow a search.
A word whose meaning denotes a subordinate or subclass. Dog is a hyponym of animal. Opposite of hypernym.
A word that is a specialization of another word, e.g. hammer is a hyponym of tool.
The specific term used to designate a member of a class. X is a hyponym of Y if X is a (kind of) Y .