In architecture, a hyphen is a connecting link between two larger building elements. It is typically found in Georgian style architecture, where the hyphens form connections between a large central house and end pavilions in the Georgian five-part house, which was in turn derived from Palladian ...
Hyphen was an Irish science fiction fanzine published from 1952-1965 by Walt Willis in collaboration with James White, Bob Shaw and various others (Chuck Harris, Vincent Clarke, Arthur Thomson, Ian McAuley and Madeleine Willis). Over that period, they published 36 issues (one including a separate 'Literary Supplement')...
Hyphen is an American magazine, produced tri-annually by a volunteer staff; it is a not-for-profit organization. ...
Symbol "-", typically used to join two or more words to form a compound term, or to indicate that a word has been split at the end of a line; Something that links two more consequential things; Used to emphasize the coordinating function usually indicated by the punctuation "-"; Used to refer ...
(hyphenate) A person with multiple duties or abilities, such as "writer-director", "actor-model", or "singer-songwriter"; To break a word at the end of a line according to the hyphenation rules by adding a hyphen on the end of the line; To join words or syllables with a hyphen
(hyphenated) Referring to something that has been written with a hyphen; Referring to a person who claims more than one nationality or ethnicity, or who expresses recognition of their national or ethnic heritage while also recognizing their current nationality